Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Mountains

One of my favorite experiences from the trip was our stay just outside a tiny town in southern Poland, Krościenko nad Dunajcem. Our accommodations for the week were much different than the hotels we had stayed in previously in Sopot and Kraków. We were staying in a large house (pictured) in the country with two other Polish families. Not as many people spoke English, none of the people we lived with did, and we had to walk 15 minutes to a restaurant for any sort of internet access.

There were tons of sheep, which meant plenty of fresh, delicious cheese made only from sheep's milk. Our first day there we all hiked up the mountain road, Biały Potok,that ran by the house we were staying in. The view as amazing and there was something very refreshing about not being as surrounded by people as we had been in the cities.
During our days there we would explore and take photos. We were able to cross the boarder into Slovakia one day where we visited a monastery in Czerwony Klasztor. We also visited a national park museum and some castle ruins. At night we would critique photos and watch various Polish language films, Blanc, Dzien Świra, and Katyn.

The home-cooked meals were a nice change from usually eating in restaurants and the fresh eggs from the chickens the family kept were delicious. Without all of the modern attractions of the cities it felt as if we had almost stepped back in time and were really able to experience Poland in an entirely different way.


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